Wednesday, November 7, 2012

ESL with video clips

This is my first experience of teaching a lesson using a video clip. I did this for my teaching practicum and it turned out to be a success. The preparation phase was difficult and daunting mainly because I didn't have prior experience. I remember spending hours looking for an appropriate video clip.

Lesson Plan


Objective: To use language for meaningful communication
Level : Advanced
Duration: 1 hr
Materials: video clip, projector, handouts.


      Teacher led discussion on hobbies. (10 mts)

      Give out the first two questions prior to watching the video clip.

      Show the video clip for the first time. (2.43mts)

      Generate discussion based on the two questions. (20 mts)

      Distribute the last two questions prior to second viewing of the clip.

      Show the video clip for the second time. (2.43mts)

      Generate class discussion. (15 mts)

      Wrap up.(5 mts)


Discussion questions

1. What differences did you notice between this movie and an ordinary movie?

2. What is the setting of this story?

3. What can you say about the personality of the main character?

4. What are the survival techniques used by the main character? And suggest two more techniques  he can use to make his life easier.

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